What is the purpose of the Green Dragon cigar & spirit events?
The goal is to encourage a community that learns and grows together in the understanding and importance of what America’s Founding Fathers intended. The documents that were scribed and the speeches that were given by our forefathers, have inspired generations of Americans. Green Dragon Events partners with like-minded businesses to host and make possible the cigar and spirit mixers, inspirational presentations, and networking with our community.
Why the name Green Dragon?
The Green Dragon is a historic tavern in Boston Massachusetts established sometime before 1714, possibly as early as 1654. The Green Dragon Tavern has a long and rich history, playing an important part in the freedom of Boston during the War of Independence. The Green Dragon was said to be a favorite haunt of Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock and was a public house used as a tavern and meeting place located at Union Street, near Hanover.
Our goal is to create an inviting space and atmosphere for community to come together, network, and be inspired by America’s founding fathers. We will get to know our brilliant founders by revisiting their speaches and the documents they drafted for the freedom and independence of the United States of America.
Our cigar & whiskey mixers are an informal way to share our love for freedom in America and the importance of a like-minded community. The name Green Dragon is inspired by this favorite haunt of some of America’s most famous and influential founding fathers.